
Final Reflection

I really loved the blogging experience that I got out of this class! I thought it was an amazing opportunity to gain insight on news related topics and get to express my opinions. Diving into different aspects in the media was interesting and being able to express how I feel about it through the use of this blog was really fun! I feel as if because of this I'm a better writer and thinker. This was unlike any homework that I've been assigned in the past. I thought it was a great way to express our thoughts. Blogging has really changed the world of mass communication because it allows people to voice their opinions.


For our assignment on awareness, I decided to do research on disinformation . My classmates researched propoganda, the smith-mudnt act, total information awareness, false flag, and five eyes. What is disinformation? Disinformation can be described as deliberately spreading false information with knowledge that it’s incorrect. It is covertly spread in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth. Disinformation was defined in Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1952) as “false information with the intention to deceive public opinion” Difference between disinformation & misinformation:  Disinformation: deliberately descriptive information. The intention are unknowable, however, may be socially motivated, for good reasons (lying about surprise party), personally motivated, or for bad reasons (ruining someone’s reputation) Misinformation: incorrect or misleading information Difficult to distinguish among information, misinformation, and disinformation: 

The Effect of Social Media

I truly don't know anyone my age who doesn't have a prominent social media presence. Personally, I follow 860 people on Instagram, and 1,651 people follow me back. Therefore, these people have access to not only my pictures, but, my email, where I live, where I attend University and my current location depending if I upload a story or not. I have a public profile, thus, anyone can look me up, at anytime, and/or follow my account. I do not have a personal website at the moment, but I'm pretty much an open book when it comes to my social media. In ways I believe this could be a good thing or a not-so-great thing. The list will go on as to why I am convinced that social media is beneficial in todays society. First off, it connects us with the world. It's absolutely insane how quickly a video could go viral just by one person sharing it to their friends... and then they share it with their friends... and it just keeps going on. These apps not only connect us with family,

Rogers Diffusion of Innovations

Rogers Diffusion of Innovations (or Ideas) This is a theory, which explains how and why technology spreads. For instance, the Juul (e-cig) is something that was created in 2015, and absolutely blew up around America, and has even now made it's way to England. The idea behind this particular e-cigarette was the reason it was so much more successful than other brands. It's sleek, high nicotine and small; everything you want in a vape, which is the relative advantage. This innovation surpassed others of it's nature. The easy use of the product is another reason why it became so popular. This technology was made to prevent smokers from smoking actual cigarettes. It was supposed to help them STOP smoking, however, this product blew up so quickly that now young kids have been using them. They started out targeting adults who want to quit smoking, and somehow they have hooked the youth. This example is a prime example of reinvention. The owners took something that already exists

Eight Values of Free Expression Reflection

Individual Self-Fulfillment  (Self-Actualization) — C. Edwin Baker,  Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech Expressing yourself and creating your own identify is by far the most important value, in my opinion. There is only ONE of you in this world, so realizing who you are and being the best version of yourself is so important. When we follow the path of fulfillment, we create more meaningful moments, we understand what we are capable of and realize our self-worth. The concept that we have gone over in class, “the marketplace of ideas” metaphor, really justifies the freedom of speech that we have today. The freedom we have to think, imagine and create is limitless. I would put individual self-fulfillment at the top of my list because the happier you are, the more enjoyable life will be, however, C. Edwin Baker also speaks about human liberty. The first amendment to the constitution protects five basic freedoms, which we have also gone over in class many times: freedom of religio

Fake Followers? Ever heard of them?

Facebook launches legal action against companies selling fake followers and likes as of yesterday, March 2nd, 2019. Took long enough! With influencer marketing becoming such a big business in todays society, social media platforms need to verify their audience to display a REAL number of followers on an account, and are deleting any profile that is run by robots or third-party peddlers. In my opinion, it's about time this happens! If a company is promoting a product, and pays an "Instagram influencer" to get their product out there, but half of their followers are fake, the company is not getting what they paid for. As of recently, New York's Attorney General ruled that selling fake social media followers and likes is essentially illegal, and now Facebook (the biggest social media platform of them all) has since taken legal action against several providers. The lawsuit includes: Creating and promoting the sale of fake accounts, likes and followers on FB and

Is Someone Spying On You?!

...Is it just me or whenever you're talking about something with your friends/family an Ad about that EXACT thing pops up on your mobile device? I've asked around, and many other people have had this happen to them. Freaky to say the least. The other day I casually said in a room with my friends "I really want hair extensions", then I clicked on Instagram, and BOOM. There is was, an Ad specifically related to hair extensions. It's the most bizarre thing since I never looked that up on my phone before. Truthfully, this is one of the scariest things I've come across through life. In my opinion, nothing is secure! Privacy has officially been invaded. As many people also believe, I really do think that the Government can and DOES hack into our iPhones. Maybe it's not specifically the Government, however someone or something is always listening. It's quite unsettling to know that security agencies such as NSA have access to our devices through in-built