Eight Values of Free Expression Reflection

Individual Self-Fulfillment (Self-Actualization) — C. Edwin Baker, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech

Expressing yourself and creating your own identify is by far the most important value, in my opinion. There is only ONE of you in this world, so realizing who you are and being the best version of yourself is so important. When we follow the path of fulfillment, we create more meaningful moments, we understand what we are capable of and realize our self-worth. The concept that we have gone over in class, “the marketplace of ideas” metaphor, really justifies the freedom of speech that we have today. The freedom we have to think, imagine and create is limitless.

I would put individual self-fulfillment at the top of my list because the happier you are, the more enjoyable life will be, however, C. Edwin Baker also speaks about human liberty. The first amendment to the constitution protects five basic freedoms, which we have also gone over in class many times: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government. Human liberty ties back into the individual self-fulfillment that I spoke about before, it’s important to every society, the reason being, to move forward in life you need to be able to speak your mind and have your own thoughts and opinions. Moving ahead in life, whether it’s economically, socially, spiritually, philosophically, or politically, there needs to be FREEDOM. You can do whatever you damn want!

I respect the autonomy that Baker mentions, he refers to an individual doing WHATEVER they want to! However, sometimes that’s not the case. Morally, that may not always be the case, there should always be a thought in your mind… should I do this act? However, this autonomy he mentions refers to pursuing successfully the life that you endorse. It’s really up to you with what you do with your life.

~Quote by Philosopher Alan Gewirth, “self-fulfillment is the attainment of a satisfying and worthwhile life well lived.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.  

In psychology last year we went over Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which he goes over self-actualization, so I thought it was fitting to use as an example!

Image result for individual self- fulfillment


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