Fake Followers? Ever heard of them?

Facebook launches legal action against companies selling fake followers and likes as of yesterday, March 2nd, 2019. Took long enough!

With influencer marketing becoming such a big business in todays society, social media platforms need to verify their audience to display a REAL number of followers on an account, and are deleting any profile that is run by robots or third-party peddlers. In my opinion, it's about time this happens! If a company is promoting a product, and pays an "Instagram influencer" to get their product out there, but half of their followers are fake, the company is not getting what they paid for.

As of recently, New York's Attorney General ruled that selling fake social media followers and likes is essentially illegal, and now Facebook (the biggest social media platform of them all) has since taken legal action against several providers.

The lawsuit includes:

  • Creating and promoting the sale of fake accounts, likes and followers on FB and Insta
  • Infringing on our trademarks on their websites 
  • Using Facebook branded domain names to operate their websites 
These social media platforms have done a good job on their own deleting these fake accounts every now and then, but they find it essential to relay on the law to end this once and for all. They have found that many of these accounts come from people in China, and it's very easy to find these websites just with a quick google search...

However, in the mean time, while this law suit is still going on. If you're a company that is unsure if someones followers are mainly bought, I have a solution for you! It's a website called HypeAuditor. This website analyzes any Instagram account for fake followers and engagements. All you need is that person's username or link, and there you go!

Click HERE to be taken straight to their website.    


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