Is Someone Spying On You?!

...Is it just me or whenever you're talking about something with your friends/family an Ad about that EXACT thing pops up on your mobile device? I've asked around, and many other people have had this happen to them. Freaky to say the least. The other day I casually said in a room with my friends "I really want hair extensions", then I clicked on Instagram, and BOOM. There is was, an Ad specifically related to hair extensions. It's the most bizarre thing since I never looked that up on my phone before.

Truthfully, this is one of the scariest things I've come across through life.
In my opinion, nothing is secure! Privacy has officially been invaded.

As many people also believe, I really do think that the Government can and DOES hack into our iPhones. Maybe it's not specifically the Government, however someone or something is always listening. It's quite unsettling to know that security agencies such as NSA have access to our devices through in-built backdoors, therefore can listen to your phone calls, read messages, go through your camera roll, read emails, and stream videos...etc.

It has been said that many apps including, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and my many others can access your camera roll and microphone which could be another reason as to why this keeps on happening! Therefore, although we'd like to believe that everything we post/say is PRIVATE it's really not and you have to be so careful what you do on your devices.

Moral of the story: Someone IS spying on you, not intentionally, however we just have to be cautious of what we say on do throughout social media, and around our phone microphones.

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